(Ketorolac Tromethamine)

A Strong  Analgesic

TROMIT (Ketorolac) is Effective, Fast acting and safe

Choice for all grades of pain.


·        TROMIT

Quick onset of action

·        TROMIT

Effective and safe pain reliever

·        TROMIT

Reduces opioid requirements


No Tissue Damage with IM









Recommended dose

10-30mg initially & 10-30mg 4-6 hourly

Maximum Dose

120mg per day


5 days

Post-operative Pain Control

TROMIT (Ketorolac) co-administered with Morphine provides

More potent analgesic effects than with Nalbuphine in

Patient with post-operative pain.


IN Emergency Medicine

In the emergency department, TROMIT (Ketorolac)

Attenuates moderate to serve pain in patients with

Renal colic, migraine headache, musculoskeletal

Pain or sickle cell crisis and is usually as effective

As frequently used diploids

TROMIT (Ketorolac) uses and reviw